Hanford, CA Bus Travel

Getting to Hanford, CA

Travel around Hanford, CA

Kings County to Hanford

Travel by bus from Kings County to Hanford, CA with Kings Area Rural Transit.

Buses run 6 days per week to Hanford from Lemoore.

Bus from Days Shortest trip
  • Daily except Sunday
15 minutes

Getting around Hanford by bus

Travel around Hanford by bus with Kings Area Rural Transit. Buses operate 6 days per week.

Operator Days
Kings Area Rural Transit
  • Daily except Sunday
More info

Hanford, CA Travel FAQs

  • Is there a daily bus service from Lemoore to Hanford?

    No, the service to Hanford from Lemoore runs on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

  • Which bus operators serve Hanford?

    Kings Area Rural Transit operate to and within Hanford.