Menlo Park, CA Bus Travel

Getting to Menlo Park, CA

Travel around Menlo Park, CA

San Mateo County to Menlo Park

Travel by bus from San Mateo County to Menlo Park, CA with Caltrain and SamTrans.

Buses run up to 7 days per week to Menlo Park from East Palo Alto, San Bruno, Belmont, South San Francisco and other places in San Mateo County.

Bus from Days Shortest trip
  • Daily
10 minutes
East Palo Alto
  • Weekdays
6 minutes
  • Daily
23 minutes
Redwood City
  • Daily
6 minutes
San Bruno
  • Daily
36 minutes
South San Francisco
  • Daily
30 minutes

Santa Clara County to Menlo Park

Buses to Menlo Park, CA from Santa Clara County run up to 7 days per week.

Caltrain and SamTrans services run from Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Palo Alto, Mountain View and other places in Santa Clara County to Menlo Park.

Bus from Days Shortest trip
  • Weekdays
1 hour 27 minutes
Morgan Hill
  • Weekdays
1 hour 12 minutes
Mountain View
  • Daily
11 minutes
Palo Alto
  • Daily
6 minutes
San Jose
  • Daily
29 minutes
  • Daily
16 minutes

City and County of San Francisco to Menlo Park

Travel by bus from City and County of San Francisco to Menlo Park, CA with Caltrain.

Buses run 7 days per week to Menlo Park from San Francisco.

Bus from Days Shortest trip
San Francisco
  • Daily
43 minutes

Getting around Menlo Park by bus

Travel around Menlo Park by bus with SamTrans. Buses operate 5 days per week.

Operator Days
  • Weekdays
More info

Menlo Park, CA Travel FAQs

  • Is there a daily bus service from San Jose to Menlo Park?

    Yes there are daily services to Menlo Park from San Jose operated by Caltrain.

  • How long does it take to get to Menlo Park from San Francisco?

    The shortest journey from San Francisco to Menlo Park takes 43 minutes.

  • Which bus operators serve Menlo Park?

    Caltrain and SamTrans operate to and within Menlo Park.